I am mourning the loss of the post I spent two hours working on this morning. I thought about never
blogging again and threw a mini mental temper tantrum. I ranted the injustice of my brilliant thoughts not making it off home base. I sighed (a lot...apparently I thought maybe enough sighs would bring it back) and was graciously comforted by my husband (who really has better things to do than encourage a wife who is distraught over something as trivial as losing a blog post...but he loves me so he comforted anyway). And then I finally thought
c'est la vie. (I know, it took me a little while and a lot of unnecessary mental drama to get there...but I got there).
So here I am with my summer list. You'll be happy to know that in the spirit of this being my second
go of it, I have shortened my list from long-and-drawn-out to short-and-sweet. Well short
ish. (BTW, since June is almost over I picked goals that I have already started
on, so as not to set myself up for failure. I don't think it's cheating
since I am starting this endeavor with only six days to go!)
1. Start meal-planning. I recently started using emeals to help me with this goal (thanks mom & dad!). Check the program out
2. Work on a budget. Notice I said
work on, not complete. I have started one and its a good feeling to (start to) get some mastery over our money.
3. Join a mom-and-tot swim class. I am happy to report that I actually
did sign up (the last day possible) for a mom-and-tot swim class, and other than two misses due to inclement weather (one being today), baby-love and I have splashed about in the pool each morning since!
1. Celebrate the 4th. This might be a bit "duh" but my goal is to plan a barbeque, make a fun dessert, and keep a celebratory spirit!
2. Go Camping. Just a one-night excursion nearby to start.
3. Have an actual date with my husband. I know, I know...I should be going on dates all the time! But we haven't been on an actual planned-out, dress-up, open-the-car-door date since before our baby-love was born. So I'm really excited about this one!
1. Try my hand at fishing. It's true, I have never ever been fishing. (I was deprived of this experience as a child and revel in reminding my dad of that fact as often as possible). Now that I am a resident of one of the hunter-gatherer states I think I should probably remedy that!
2. Help the hubs get his classroom ready for the next school year. Just all the usual new-year teacher stuff...set up the classroom, maybe make something fun for the students, whatever he needs a hand with I'm in!
3. Check out a nearby ghost town. A hobby the hubs and I share...love to see all the old structures and think about the history.
1. Start a Bible study. My goal is to start a mom-and-kid friendly Bible study where kids can play, moms can chat, and we can all grow and learn!
2. Have a "goodbye summer" picnic. I never think about the transition from summer to fall, but each season has so much to celebrate! Saturday, September 21st is the last day of summer and I want to end it with a celebration! Who knows, maybe it will become a family tradition!
3. Celebrate my husband's 30th Birthday well. I have great intentions, but my put-off-today-what-you-can-do-tomorrow nature often leaves great intentions shriveled on the floor. This year, I want my husband to feel celebrated and loved as he steps into a new decade!
There you have it. My summer list. It certainly isn't
everything I want to do, but its a good start! If I can fit in walking 100 miles, reading at least 3 books, finishing (and by finishing I mean starting) my "beach ball" project for baby-love, trying to get to church at least 3 out of every 4 Sundays, and investing intentionally in my relationships I will be all set. And of course, with all these things the most important is to find joy in each day and love my family well. So here's to an intentionally-lived summer!