I have been absent from the blogosphere since the beginning of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season...and I just saw that my blog was featured on Mom's Morning Coffee's weekly link-up back in early December! What an honor and delight! Of course, I have neglected my blog for the rest of the month, haha! Isn't that always the way...but now I am back with (some) renewed vigor as I think about the new year and my hopes to come. There is something freeing about starting over and having an opportunity to refocus our minds and hearts.
As I look out the window at the beautiful, pure, untouched-other-than-my-sweet-toddler's-footprints snow in our backyard, I am thinking that there is something to this gentle snowfall. It is fresh and beautiful and bursting with opportunities! Snowmen, snowball fights, snow angels, homemade slushies, not to mention the breathtaking scenes of untouched white-as-can-be blankets covering meadows and hillsides with picturesque loveliness. May our year start off the same. Whatever our circumstances as this new year begins, may we take time to create beautiful memories and bring joy-filled life to those around us. With this in mind, here is what I'm thinking for my new year...
For my FAMILY...

For my HUSBAND...
MORE praising, LESS critiquing.
For my KIDS...
MORE face-to-face time, LESS facebook time.
MORE contentment, LESS guilt.
MORE taking opportunities to serve my neighbors, LESS excuses.
For my JESUS...
MORE living in His joy, LESS worrying whether I am enough for Him.
So there you have it, some of my hopes for 2015. May we create beauty and bring joy everywhere our feet take us this year. Happy New Year my friends!
This week I am linking up with some amazing blogs! Please check out these great bloggers: Mom's Morning Coffee, Mom's The Word, We Are That Family, Simple Moments Stick, & B Inspired Mama!