You guys, this Bible is so much fun! It is kind of like a "Baby's 1st Year" recorder and Bible all in one. There are places to record all the fun milestones (first smile, first word, first step...you get the hang of it). There is also an adorable Family Tree to record some fun info about parents and grandparents too!

There are also beautiful prayers scattered throughout the book that are perfect conversation-starters for you and your children. One of my favorite examples of this is a prayer on page 47: "Loving Father, please look after all who are not well. Comfort those who are in pain, or worried or sad. Give peace to those who are old or frightened. Help us to be loving and helpful to our families, kind to everyone we know, and generous to anyone who needs our help." I could totally see using this prayer as a jumping-off point for questions like: How can we help God comfort people who are sad or lonely? Why do you think it's important to keep older people we know in our prayers? What does being generous look like?
I have read a number of children's Bibles and would have to say this is one of my favorite picks for a "first" Bible. It is a well-made hardback but it is not a board book so if your child is very young it may need to be read while being supervised. That being said, my two-year-old has done great with it and it seems very age-appropriate for her! It is so fun to share stories of how God has made her unique (and show her the "special" facts recorded about her in the baby records section). I see this as a Bible we will probably use for the next few years to help her get a taste of God's Story without becoming completely overwhelmed. (As a side-note, for older kids I would highly recommend The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. That is probably a great one for kids four or older).
If you are looking for a Bible to gift a new baby with or a neat way to showcase your little one's milestones, My Keepsake Bible is a great choice!
May your day be beautiful and your heart be full!
As part of my review I received a complementary copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers. All opinions are my own.
If you are interested in purchasing My Keepsake Bible you can find it at Tyndale House Publishers, Amazon, or wherever books are sold.