In no particular order, for no particular are ten of my favorite things!
"The Proposal"...This movie is definitely one of my top ten. Conveniently it is also in the Hubs top ten list so it gets watched several times a year. It is funny and romantic all in one and leaves you with that happy feeling at the end!

"Love Does" by Bob Goff...This book is a bit like caffeine for the soul. It leaves you feeling more energetic and filled with life. The chapters are nice and short, but filled with great truths and hilarious stories. (The hubs and I read it together, reading a chapter a night right before was a great way to connect and give us something to talk about).
Bare Feet...One of my absolute favorite things about summer is naked feet! I love the freedom that comes when I can pack my socks and boots away and let my toes wiggle like they were intended to do!
Pedicures...This obviously goes along with bare feet, but I just couldn't leave it

Pumpkin Lattes....Specifically, Starbucks Pumpkin Lattes. I am not sure what the difference is but there is something that says "FALL IS HERE!!!" when I take that first sip. Yum...I can't wait!
Madlibs...When the Hubs and I were dating we would spend hours at the bookstore filling out madlibs and reading them off to each other. Maybe it's nerdy but they crack me up and remind me of those bookstore days. Pure, simple, nostalgia.

Trace Bundy...He is a phenomenal guitarist who is not only interesting to watch but there is something about his music that makes me feel peaceful and lively all at the same time. My favorite album? Definitely Adapt. It has it's very own section on my Ipod!
Walking Through a Park & Feeding the Ducks...The simplicity of taking a walk and listening to the sounds of nature around me gets me every time. Watching those ducks scramble around for breadcrumbs brings a smile to my face every time.
Flowers...I rarely spend the money to buy fresh cut flowers. To be honest it seems like there are so
many other things I could do with that twenty bucks. But when I do splurge on a bouquet, it makes me giddy like Christmastime! I get butterflies when I walk in and see that shining bouquet on my table...silly, but true.

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