Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Making The Trade: Choosing our kids over our negativity

So this morning was "One Of Those Mornings." Oh yes, that had to be capitalized. And italicized. It started bright and early at 2am, and let's just say that if my mornings start at 2 AM they typically don't go well. So there I was sometime around 7 this morning thinking, "Can I trade these kids in for quieter ones who like to sleep and don't require everything I have to give?" I know, that's a terrible thought. I mostly didn't really mean it but my attitude was not at its peak and I was feeling pretty inwardly snarky. Anyway, as I was thinking that, a new thought flew into it's place. "Can you trade your perspective in for a kinder, more thankful one that isn't so negative and angry?"

I had to laugh. It appeared I had a choice to make. I could trade in my kids or I could trade in my perspective. It got me thinking about all the joy my little ones bring. They are so animated and funny, they bring light to just about every situation. There is no smile more enchanting than my little guy when he is sees me after I've left (and by left I mean left the room for 5 minutes) and there is no laugh more contagious than my toddler's belly giggles. Oh my, just thinking about them makes me grin! There is no way I'd give all that up for more sleep!

Honestly, no matter how much of a capitalized and italicized day we are having (it might even have some question and exclamation marks thrown in for good measure), our perspective is what is going to make us or break us. We have the choice to dwell in the dark thoughts and angry hearts or to do the hard thing on those hard days and make the trek up to higher ground. It might be a muddy walk and it might take all the strength we have, but we can see a whole lot more from this new perspective. Our hearts become more filled, our thoughts tend towards the beauty in our life, and our attitudes become more thankful and gracious.

So on those days when mothering sounds kind of like a dirty word to you and you can't think of a single thing to be happy about, trade in your perspective. It may not change your circumstances (or your little one's diapers!), but it will change you. And that, my friend, is a great place to begin.

This week I am linking up with B Inspired Mama (Where I was featured this week!!), Mom's Morning Coffee, Messy Marriage, Mom's The WordSimple Moments Stick, and We Are That Family!


  1. Amen. Preach it, sister! Our perspective is so important and sometimes I just need that little reminder.

  2. Yes! I can relate! In fact this morning I was in the middle of my quiet time--all serene and "holy"--when I took a break to refresh my drink just before praying. As I peruse my living room I spot where my "old" dog recently (decided it was too cold to go outside to pee) and let it "flow" on our carpet--for yet the umpteenth time, it seems lately. Usually there's a reason--like we'd been gone too long or forgot to let her out enough. Not today. She simply didn't want to brave the sub-zero temps, I'd say! Well, I got red hot mad! I was yelling at her and made her go to her "locked" crate. Then I came back to my quiet time spot to pray. Yep, there's a whole lot more that God wants me to learn from this lapse in my dog's good judgment. Sometimes it's the little things that trip us up, Summer. But those little things (and in your case little ones) have such eternal importance! Thanks for your wise and authentic thoughts, my friend! It's good to know I'm not the only one who wants an easier life! :)

  3. Easier said than done some days (especially when they start so early - yuck!), but YES, perspective makes a WORLD of difference!

    So glad you linked up to WFMW this week! :)


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