As I ponder thoughts of Christmas, it makes me think of how I can bring the gentle hope and giving spirit of that season into this season. Being thoughtful and active in serving others and helping out with their needs shouldn't be a December exclusive. It should be in our hearts year-round. Why do I wait to think of doing something nice for somebody until it is Christmas? With this in mind, I am making an effort to do one nice thing each day for somebody this next month. They (whoever "they" are) say that if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit. I can certainly think of worse habits to have than cultivating a giving spirit.
So July is about over, but August will be a challenge to grow my heart just a little bit bigger. Who wants to join me? Maybe it means sending a note to a friend (it is so fun to get things other than bills via snail mail when you're grown up). Perhaps it's paying for the customer behind you to get a vanilla latte and a scone thrown in for fun. Or it could be ding-dong-ditching a neighbor with a fun package you make with your young ones full of treats. There are so many creative ways to love others, be thoughtful, pay-it-forward. Whatever you call it, it won't just bless the receiver. I guarantee it will swell your heart up just a little bit bigger too.
Today I am linking up with Rachel Wojnarowski and Beth Steffaniak! Visit these amazing blogs by clicking on their names above!
I love it! This is something I've let slide but should get back to actively doing! Great advice and beautiful habit!