Some of the highlights have been him joining me and Baby Girl for swim classes, getting to sleep in while he took care of Baby Girl the other morning, and going on walks! This Friday we are going to head over to a nearby hiking and picnicking area I've wanted to check out for a while now. I am SO EXCITED about it! We may not get the camping trip in we had planned for our July To-Do List but we will at least get to go to the place we were going to camp and scope it out for future camping possibilities! Also, this weekend we are planning on hitting goal three from the aforementioned list and go on a...wait for it...ACTUAL DATE!!! We aren't planning anything too extravagant, but we are planning something fun and just-for-two...and it might involve coffee because, well, we really can't do anything datish without including a cup of Joe in the mix...because outside of my family and Jesus I am pretty in love with Joe (the coffee, remember...just so we don't get any rumors started)!
Well, I better book it because any minute Baby Girl is going to wake from her nap and the hubs will be done with his project...but I missed you too much to not write SOMETHING! So have a fabulous Wednesday and tell me what you are looking forward to this week(end)! *Smiles!* Oh, don't miss part 2 of "Family Time: Doing Life Together"...I might actually write something useful in that one! ;)
Yay for DATE NIGHT!!!